Mission Statement

To provide a place for parents and family members to meet and share experience, strength, give hope and awareness, to other families who have similar experiences raising children with ADD/ADHD, SPD, Anxiety, ASD, mental health diagnosis, developmental and behavioral challenges. Through sharing in this experience of raising these hard to raise kids, we grow stronger and more resilient.

Easy to Love is a 501 (C) (3) Non-Profit Organization

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

summer, events & a freakout.

hello all! hope summer has been going well- me personally... well its a mixed bag. I am sort of over summer. its HOT, the kids are at the point they are mind numbingly bored. but at the same time, I am  trying to will away the school year. my baby will be in kindergarten - MIND BLOWN. How did that happen?
Part of me is like - wow we made it! she is starting school, physically healthy and she is excited! the other part of me is having a little freak out. academically she is struggling, anxiety wise it is up and down. thankfully Emma has a really good IEP with both academic, sensory and behavioral goals and services. she will have every tool to succeed, but I am nervous. nervous because I don't want her labeled by peers and teachers. nervous that this will be a complete sensory & emotional overload. nervous that mornings will turn into her begging not to go to school. deeeeep breaths. I still have a whole 6 weeks to stress out. in through the nose, out through the mouth....

now back to UETL. things have been falling into place so nicely and we are thrilled. despite some nasty weather the parent retreat had a great turn out. we are teaming up with the Utah Film Center to show special needs friendly films, we have a booth at the HopeKids 5K in Farmington and we also have a booth at the Sahara Cares Carnival. Our next big event is our first workshop/make & take in September and we have a Spa Night Fundraiser & a Kick a thon. whew. for a 'taking it easy summer' things got kick started! we are so excited and grateful for the support of the community and most of all the ETL parents that continue to come to groups!

I have listed all of the upcoming events below:
08.03 - HopeKids 5K
Farmington Station Park

08.06 - Spa Night Fundraiser
Avalon School of Cosmetology
(see facebook page for more details!)
08.17 - Sahara Cares Carnival
we will have a booth, stop by & say hi!

08.17 - Utah Film Center Special Needs Film Screening
Flushed Away
Shriner's Hospital

09.14 - Bobby Lawrence Kick A Thon Fundraiser
Layton Boondocks

09.21 - Visual Schedule Workshop
Meet me on 33rd
1565 E 3300 S SLC

we hope to see you at some of these events! they are going to be so fun. we will keep the facebook page updated with more info as the dates get closer - so keep your eye out!


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