Mission Statement

To provide a place for parents and family members to meet and share experience, strength, give hope and awareness, to other families who have similar experiences raising children with ADD/ADHD, SPD, Anxiety, ASD, mental health diagnosis, developmental and behavioral challenges. Through sharing in this experience of raising these hard to raise kids, we grow stronger and more resilient.

Easy to Love is a 501 (C) (3) Non-Profit Organization

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer Time & Group Changes

Hello Everyone!  can you believe June is knocking at the door? Where did spring go? We are excited for summer, but things are going to be a little crazy!

The group is  taking a break from regular scheduled groups through the summer. We are going to use the summer time to work on getting set up as a non-profit organization. This will open the door to some funding, which will hopefully equal more groups, activities, speakers etc.
Some changes you might see... we are hoping to get some businesses as sponsors so you may see some buttons/advertisements on the blog. We have struggled to figure out how to manage this with out anyone feeling like we are taking advantage of our group goers. We will only include companies/products we use or believe in and other than the blog advertisements we will NEVER use any of our meetings to advertise anything. It is just one of those things... a group cost money to run and this is the way to help the group grow & reach more people. Thoughts? concerns? let us know. There is also a new "donate" button on our blog that is linked to an Easy to Love, Hard to Raise paypal account. Any funds donated will be used for group expenses only. Things such as copies, rent for a regular meeting space, special presenters etc. We think all of these things will be a positive thing, but remain protective our group & keeping it the same "grassroots" feel.

We are keeping the Davis County group going-yay! We have several new members and are thrilled that the word is spreading! Chrissy Young (she runs Layton-Farmington Macaroni Kids) will be helping us run the group. It just has become too much for us to mange both SLC & Davis. The topics will be the same, so will the handouts. It will have the same Guidelines and it will still be held the 3rd Wednesday of the month. We will also still pop in to the groups when our schedule allows. Chrissy is awesome, super fun and energetic. She will be a great fit for Davis. Watch the blog for a introduction post!

Group plans for the summer:  we have a playgroup scheduled in Salt Lake on June 22nd. It will be at 1130am at Liberty Park. There is more info on our Facebook page under "events". We will probably schedule one more playgroup this summer, so watch for that info. July will mark our 1 year anniversay, which is amazing! We are so excited to hit that milestone and are planning something fun to celebrate! We will post more as it gets a little closer!

Groups will resume in September on their normal schedule (2nd Wednesday of the month for SL & 3rd for Davis).

Thank you to our wonderful group members! You guys are awesome!! We are so thrilled to have you all a part of our group as we enter our second year!

Jen & Lindsay

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