Mission Statement

To provide a place for parents and family members to meet and share experience, strength, give hope and awareness, to other families who have similar experiences raising children with ADD/ADHD, SPD, Anxiety, ASD, mental health diagnosis, developmental and behavioral challenges. Through sharing in this experience of raising these hard to raise kids, we grow stronger and more resilient.

Easy to Love is a 501 (C) (3) Non-Profit Organization

Monday, August 29, 2011

August 31st Meeting

We are looking forward to our Davis County *Reaching out/Networking" group! Hope to see some new faces! We have lots to share and love getting ideas from other parents!
Davis Behavioral Health
934 So. Main St #6

We are also extremely grateful and excited about our new SLC meeting location!! Hoping this is a more central location! Our first meeting is Sept. 14th and the topic will be *Sensory Processing Disorder*. Stay tuned for additional and exciting info about this meeting!!

Sharing Place
1695 Ea 3300 So.

Please contact us with any questions or ideas!!


Jen Levy

you can also find us on Facebook @ Easy to Love- Utah Parent Support Group